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Christ's College Finchley



MyZone is an enrichment programme which takes place every Wednesday afternoon in Christ’s College Finchley and involves all students in the school.

MyZone was introduced in 2011, and gives all students from Years 7-10 the opportunity to experience a range of different activities that they would not be able to access through their usual lessons and the National Curriculum. 

On a Wednesday afternoon, the normal school timetable is suspended and is replaced by a 60-minute long session during which different activities are organised by current members of staff or outside groups who are often brought into school to offer an alternative programme. Students are divided into MyZone groups and, typically, spend half a term participating in each of these activities during the academic year.

Students in Year 7&8 are able to choose which activities they want to join, meaning that students are able to select the activities which interest them as well as which ones would be enriching and awarding for them.

The range of different activities is huge and encompasses sports clubs, cultural groups, creative workshops, CV and interview skills, Finance and social development to name but a few.

Contact Ms Elsmore (Assistant Head) for more info:


Years 7 and 8

Students are asked at the beginning of the year to rank their preferred options for MyZone. They are then allocated their 6 options for the academic year. With new activities being introduced throughout the year, there can be scope to change. Please speak to Ms Elsmore or Ms Kingsland for more information.

This year (2019/2020 academic year), the following activities are being offered;

  • Welsh
  • Fitness
  • Robotics
  • Drama
  • Karafun (Karaoke in a Modern Foreign Language)
  • Science Debates
  • Lego Mindset
  • Portugese
  • Mathematical Problem Solving
  • Chess
  • Optics
  • Cricket
  • STEM
  • Geography Club
  • Jewish Society (being launched in the Spring Term)

In addition to all of these activities, MyZone is also the medium through which the school delivers some of its more statutory requirements: key stage 3 students are given a workshop about dealing with challenging situations, including bullying, which is led by the schools SENco; Key stage 3 students can study ‘Amnesty International’, looking into humanity and human rights across the world.

Years 9 and 10


September 2019 sees the launch of our first ever collabaration with IHEART to deliver a programme to our Year 9 students to help them uncover their built-in resilience and potential by educating them about their innate mental health and wellbeing. This is an interactive and dynamic educational programme that has been tailor-made for working with young people and teachers in schools, universities and educational institutions. 

IHEART – Innate Health Education and Resilience Training – is a non-profit organisation dedicated to helping all people realise their potential through learning about the innate resilience and mental health that all human beings possess. 

To be redirected to IHEART's website, please click here. 

Community Enrichment Programme (CEP)

In Years 9 and 10, Students enrol on a Community Enrichment Programme (CEP). This includes compulsory units which are;

  • Community Outreach (reading at Brooklands/Manorside Primary School's, visits to Nazareth Care home and sports mentoring.
  • First Aid
  • Finance Skills

The MyZone time on a Wednesday afternoon is also the medium through which the school delivers some of its more statutory requirements: Key Stage 3 students are given a workshop about dealing with challenging situations, including bullying, which is led by the schools SENco; Key Stage 3 students can study ‘Amnesty International’, looking into humanity and human rights across the world.

Key Stage 4 also cover ‘Sex and Relationship Education’ which forms part of our PHSE programme. 

Smashing The Glass Ceiling

Students in Year 8 have the opportunity to apply for a place on the prestigious programme 'Smashing the Glass Ceiling', which provides a coordinated enrichment programme that gives HPA students relevant experiences that can help to support their decisions regarding their future education and career choices.

The top 20 applicants are selected, following assessment tasks and a Parents Information Evening. These students then have the opportunity to devise, research and present their own project by working on the AQA Project Qualifications: L1 in KS3 and L2
in KS4.

Year 11

On a Wednesday afternoon, Year 11 students will participate in Intervention Programmes or attend the Study Hall. For those who were enrolled in 'Smashing the Glass Ceiling' in Year 10, they will continue working on their extended programme.